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Tangible results, as climate change resilience, will be achieved by putting into practice some actions, as listed below:

climate change risk assessment is a prerequisite to identify the necessary adaptation measures to deal with climate impacts and define an adaptation plan. Therefore a climate risk assessment will be carried out both in the two productive areas and in the brewery supply chain involved in the project. This climate risk assessment will help to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities and opportunities. This climate risk assessment will follow a methodology, which has been specifically developed for IRIS project.

On the basis of results of the preparatory actions (risk assessment), 3 adaptation action plans for the climate resilience will be implemented (2 for the industrial areas and 1 for the beer supply chain). See the sections “Industrial areas” and “Beer supply chain” to find more information about the above mentioned actions and related documents.

Beside the actions developed at cluster levels, there are two more actions, with a cross-cutting value, leading to tools that can be useful for all those companies interested in climate change adaptation.

One action is aimed to promote financial tools based on rewarding criteria for climate resilient enterprises or enterprises belonging to climate resilient cluster. Criteria will reward the implementation of adaptation measures that reduce climate change risks.

The other one will develop a web portal aimed to give information about risks and opportunities related to climate change impacts to enterprises belonging to clusters involved in the demonstration actions. It will contain a map of main impacts of climate change in the industrial clusters and possible adaptation solutions.